Soil Contaminate Remediation


Totally Green Technology for Soil Remediation

VB997™ SOIL utilizes a bionutrient formulation that accelerates the growth and activity of onsite, naturally occurring microbes that safely consume hydrocarbons and contamination in soil, producing only water and carbon dioxide.

VB997™ SOIL reduces hydrocarbon contamination anywhere it is found and is safe enough for soil environments, beaches, rocky shores, oil pits, salt marshes, mangroves, sea grass beds, coral reefs and mudflats.

VB997™ Is a Green Treatment for Hydrocarbon Remediation

Natural Soil Remediation

Natural soil remediation is biodegradation where trillions of microbes already in the soil eat billions of tons of dead and decaying organic matter every year and convert it into nonorganic soluble or gaseous compounds. These compounds, in turn, take part in further soil processes to form humus that provides nutrients to plant life. Collectively, these processes that form humus are referred to as mineralization. 

Approximately 20 percent of these soil microbes also consume the hydrocarbons commonly found in oil and petroleum products. When a spill occurs, these hydrocarbon-eating microbes emit enzymes that break down the contaminants, releasing only water and carbon dioxide as “waste.” They literally have a feast and quickly increase in number. 

However, because of the sudden increase in populations, critical nutrients in the soil required for growth—such as carbon, nitrogen and phosphorus—quickly become depleted. These elements, along with hydrogen and oxygen, are the main elements required for reproduction; without these nutrients, the growth of the microbial population is impeded. The microbes become unhealthy and begin to die off, leaving the contaminating hydrocarbons in the soil virtually untouched.

Ultra-effective Patented Technology that Reduces Hydrocarbon Contamination

Soil Remediation Enhanced Using VB997™ SOIL

VB997™ SOIL with bioremediation technology provides the right nutrients in the right quantities to encourage the right microbes to be healthy as in-situ nutrients are depleted. It also provides key life-source nutrients to the necessary microbes in a form that ensures their accelerated reproduction and continued biodegradation activities.

1. Carbon, Phosphorus and Nitrogen Help Microbes Speed Nontoxic Mineralization

Large, active populations of native microbes, which produce essential enzymes needed to break down contaminants to carbon dioxide and water, are necessary for the rapid mineralization of contaminants. VB997™ SOIL provides the vital nutrients for the growth and health of native microbes present at the contamination site. Accelerating their growth is key to accelerating biodegradation with no threat to the extant ecological balance.

2. Patented Technology Provides Distinct Advantages

BiNutraTech® uses a patented oleophilic coating that gives VB997™ SOIL a unique advantage over other nutrient methods. First, this coating clings to contaminants without harmful residuals, ensuring that nutrients are always available on a time-release basis in useful concentrations for microbes. Second, the coating provides a necessary source of carbon for microbial growth and accelerates the Krebs Cycle. This cycle constitutes the major terminal pathway of biological oxidation in most bacterial cells. Microorganisms undergo a series of chemical reactions, by which two-carbon fragments produced by the metabolism of carbohydrates, fats and proteins are converted to carbon dioxide and water, liberating energy in the process.

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