Keeping your Septic System Maintained and Working Properly
Do I need Septikos®?
1. Does your septic tank stink?
2. Do you have to pump your tank frequently?
3. Do you experience problems with drainage?
4. Does your yard look flooded or muddy?
If you answered yes to any of the above, Septikos® can help for as little as $10.00 per month!
Destroy Harmful Odor-producing Microorganisms
How a Septic System Works
A septic system takes all the waste people produce and break it down until cleaner water flows out into the ground in an area called the leach field. The purity of the water that leaves the system (the effluent) is important because it becomes part of the environment, ultimately affecting plants, animals and humans.
A typical septic system works with the pipes that lead from the home, the septic tank and the leach field. Fluids flow from the house to the septic tank where naturally occurring bacteria consume the human waste. The end products are water, gases and solids. The solid material that the bacteria cannot digest is known as sludge.
A normal septic system can work properly for many years, needing only occasional pumping to remove the buildup of solids on the bottom of the septic tank. However, every area of the septic system can become problematic if conditions are right.
Break Down Pipe Buildup
& Increase Tank Efficiency
The two critical factors impacting how well septic systems work are whether
or not there is a healthy septic bacteria population and how good the septic
flow is.
Functioning System
As you can imagine, an improperly functioning system can be an inconvenience. It can also be hazardous. If your system is not functioning well, it can expose you, your family, pets and livestock to diseases, including E. Coli. Additionally, families who have septic systems often have wells for drinking water or public utilities. Runoff from a malfunctioning septic system can pollute not only your land but the water you drink. Septikos® helps your system function at its optimal level, saving you time and money.
Septikos® addresses every part of the system—pipes, tank, drainfield, soil and groundwater—improving the effectiveness and safety of your system.
What Septikos® Will Do for You!
• Destroy harmful and odor-producing microorganisms
• Break down buildup in pipes
• Break down sludge in the septic tank
• Facilitate more thorough degradation of wastes that enter the system
• Breakdown buildup in leach or drain fields
• Increase your tank’s efficiency naturally
What Customers Have to Say
Grab Your Septikos® Today!
Septikos® 3lb Bag
$62.75 Per Bag