Get rid of cat litter smell

How to Get Rid of Cat Litter Smell

Curious, cuddly, and endlessly entertaining, cats are the perfect indoor pets. They’d have to be for us to put up with the kitty litter box. Is there anything worse than walking into a home and getting hit with that unmistakable “cat smell?”

Ironically, cats themselves smell just fine–unlike dogs, they have virtually no odor at all. That smell is 100% coming from the litter box, and *newsflash* it’s no fun for your feline friend, either.

Imagine if every time you had to use the bathroom it was like braving a porta-potty at a festival, and you’ll have a good idea of what a dirty litter box is like for cats. If you’ve wondered how to get rid of cat litter smell, you’re not alone. We created purrfect TOGETHER™ for all the cat lovers out there like you, who want to reduce cat litter smell.
How to Get Rid of Cat Litter Smell

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Why does my cat’s litter smell so bad?

Cats can’t help it– using a litter box is the best option indoor cats have, and they rely on their owners to keep it as fresh as possible. Cat urine and droppings, like all animal waste, attract bacteria that convert their nitrogen into ammonium ions. Along the way, these ammonium ions become vaporized as ammonia gas– the “cat smell” we associate with litter boxes.

This chemical process is perfectly natural, but when it is concentrated in a litter box it can become unbearably strong and noticeable throughout your home or apartment. Treating your litter with purrfect TOGETHER™ actually prevents the processes that convert waste into ammonia ions from happening. What that means is that odors are eliminated at the source, before they happen. Without using chemicals or fragrances to mask the cat litter smell, we’ve managed to make litter box odors a thing of the past.

What is the best cat litter for odor control?

There are many different types of odor-controlling cat litter. “Best odor control” is a claim that many brands make about their products, but the fact is that even the most odor-absorbing cat litter needs to be changed frequently to work. Each type of litter has its benefits and drawbacks.

Clumping cat litters are popular for the ease of cleanup they offer and their odor-reducing properties. Unfortunately, they usually contain large amounts of silica dust, which is believed to cause respiratory issues in both cats and humans. Natural, dust-free litters made from corn fibers are popular for their lightweight, clumping qualities. This lightweight litter, however, does not clump as solidly as clay-based litters, and some cats aren’t keen on how it feels under paw. Many types of litter come loaded with fragrances that are supposed to minimize cat litter smell. Unsurprisingly, most cats are not fond of fragrances and will sometimes rebel against an overly-perfumed litter box.

It doesn’t matter what type of litter you prefer to use– you can treat any type of litter with purrfect TOGETHER™ kitty litter freshener. In fact, in addition to eliminating litter box smell, our product also makes litter box cleaning easier by drying urine and waste.
How to Get Rid of Cat Litter Smell

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get rid of cat litter smell

Is it bad to breathe in cat litter box smell?

We all know that the smell of dirty cat litter is unpleasant, but did you know that it can also be harmful to your health? The buildup of ammonia fumes in a litter can cause serious respiratory issues for both you and your cat. If you’ve ever gone too long without cleaning the litter box, you may have noticed your cat having “accidents.” When your cat starts avoiding her litter box, it’s no accident, it’s instinct– cats will go out of their way to avoid exposure to harmful fumes, even if it means upsetting you.

Cats are fastidious creatures who spend a good portion of their day grooming. The last thing they want is to go into a smelly box to do their business. Treating your cat litter with purrfect TOGETHER™ is a gift to both of you– your cat won’t have to hold her breath in their litter box, and you can enjoy a better smelling home. What’s more, everyone’s lungs stay healthier without being exposed to ammonia fumes anymore.
How to Get Rid of Cat Litter Smell

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How often should you change cat litter?

To eliminate litter box odor, most people find that scooping the cat litter daily and changing it twice a week works best. However, when you treat your cat litter with purrfect TOGETHER™, you can go as long as two weeks before you need to change the cat litter box.

If you’ve struggled with how to get rid of cat litter smell in apartment and studio units, here’s your solution. Managing your kitty litter smell does not have to be a full-time job! Once you’ve experienced the ease and odor-elimination of purrfect TOGETHER™, you’ll wonder how you ever managed without it. And your cat will thank you, too.

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